

  THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO BE A GREAT MANAGER Figure 1 : (Cox, 2018) They learn best when they can relate to others, thus they thrive in a group or social context. They have a strong sense of empathy and are particularly adept at deciphering other people's moods and motivations. As a result, they are likely to be excellent leaders or team members (Blair, 1993). HOW TO BE A GOOD MANAGER: STRATEGIES This strategies will help to sharpen the ability and knowledge of the managers. Each of these strategies will not only help to become a better manager and contribute to an overall better work environment. 1.       Trust:  Trust is essential in any connection, but it is more critical in the Manager-Employee dynamic. 2.       Listen:  It's easy to get caught up in your job and responsibilities as a manager, but make time to actively listen to your people. 3.       Communicate:  Being a successful mana...


  EMPLOYER BRANDING Figure 1 : (Jay, 2021) It refers to how your company is being viewed by others – key shareholders, employees and the public. Things such as how the company conducts itself in the market to how good the employer is to its employees affect the employer brand. All these issues will lead to a general perception of your company in the eyes of others (chhabra and sharma , 2014). IMPORTANCE OF EMPLOYER BRANDING 1. Strong social media presence As technology takes over the world slowly, companies are turning to social media to boost their employer brand. A strong online presence shows that your company is kept up to date and constantly tries to improve itself. Ranging from Instagram to twitter to the company’s website, the public will be observing the company’s online presence and studying their values and culture. 2. Financial stability Good employer brand will explain having good financial stability. When the company investing in employer branding the profitabil...


  THE BEST CORPORATE WELLNESS SOFTWARE AND TOOLS  FOR A BETTER WORKPLACE Figure 1 : Corporate Wellness (bukaty, 2018) Some tools offer everything from a full suite of applications to a small yet powerful collection of features and integrations. The most important thing is for management and HR experts to agree on what goals they want the corporate wellness software to assist them reach. After you've nailed down your KPIs, it's just a matter of finding the wellness program that best matches your desired outcomes. We’ve compiled a list of the top corporate wellness software and tools for a more productive workplace ( Hull and Pasquale, 2018). BENEFITS OF IVESTING IN A CORPORATE WELLNESS SOFTWARE Ø   Lower stress : The mindfulness that comes with a good business wellness program can boost morale, productivity, and reduce absenteeism. Ø   Reduced costs : Better employee health translates to lower healthcare costs, which is a win-win situation. Ø   Greater produ...